Aurora - Blow the safe

Points : 5
Other rewards : 50000 credits (5000 credits if done more often)
Static : yes
Minimum level : 15 (heavy kill)
Authors : Pval, Windryder, Picard, Zentel
Last change : added 2nd time reward, added hyperlinks. Complete.
Last modified : 24112002


There is a bank on Aurora. It is possible to crack the safe.


Q: What can I use to blast the heavy force field to get to the cash?
A: Find something strong enough to disrupt it.

Q: How can I blow the safe without damaging myself?
A: Wait outside until it blows :-)


Kill Q1 on Stargate: 8*n from bays

Get the energy disruptor, 25*n to get to Blob. Kill it by pushing it back about 10 times. Carry a double light source. Get the battery clip. Go to the Aurora bank. From port: 6*n, w, charge disruptor, drop disruptor, press blast.

Wait until you hear the blast: w, n, get all to collect 50k (or 5k if done the second time).

Go back to: Aurora