Plymouth - Help Fiance (it)

Points : 2
Other rewards : 850 credits
Static : Yes
Minimum level : Low
Authors : Bith, Dcruze
Last change : Updated guide
Last modified : 31/05/2021


The flower girl has lost her engagement ring.


First find a knife, go e, n, 2e, get knife. Then return to the landing site and get to the river delta, 2w, s, w, s, w, s, e, se, 2e.

Look at the water until you see a dianoga. Kill it, then loot corpse and get its guts. Keep the guts in your inventory until they dissolve, or cut them with your knife to speed up the process.

Get back to the landing site, find the flower girl and return the ring to her. Go 2w, nw, w, n, e, n, 3e, give ring to girl.


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