Pelt Skinning Alias/Trigger

Here is a alias/trigger combo you can use for pelt hunting.  It's not really complicated but there are a few things going on.  There are 2 aliasessk is the main pelt skinning alias. It will take a knife from a bag, wield it, skin the corpse, and re-wield the weapon you where using before.  In order to re-wield a weapon is must know what weapon you are using.  The alias wield will do this.  It will keep track of the word you wield (in wield saber, the word saber is now the @main_weapon variable). In order to use wield as an alias you must make a new alias on KoBra.  Simply type 'alias wieldd wield' this will enable the zmud alias to work.  (This also helps make a alias for putting a weapon in a tap,  I use tapit as the alias and 'put @main_weapon in tap' as the command.  Mine is a little more complicated but if you get the idea and if you have a tap in your ship and can add this as a trigger when you enter).  

#ALIAS sk {#T+ pelttag;#SEND {take knife from bag};#SEND {wield knife};#SEND {skin corpse};#SEND {put knife in bag};#SEND {get pelt};#SEND {look at pelt};wield @main_weapon} {mortal}

#ALIAS wield {wieldd %1;#if (%ismember(%1,@nowield)!=0) { } {main_weapon=%1}} {mortal}

There are also 2 variables nowield is a list of weapons that the wield alias will not count as your @main_weapon.  Otherwise when you wielded the skinning knife it would count that as your main weapon.  You could add other weapons to this list as I have done for thrower.  The second variable is huntables this works with the "You killed..." trigger.   It has a list of all (well maybe not all but a lot) of the monsters that are huntable/skinable.  If you find any that are missing you can add them.

#VAR nowield {knife|thrower}

#VAR huntables {Wild Cat|Ferrath|Gundark|Carracch|Sungwa|Rancor|Dog|Bloodhound|Snake|Muckas|Dhreeva dragon|Bothan|Teac Viashino|Bat|Womprat|Squirrel|Mother|Alligator|Mynock|Rat|Vorifyer|Fierce Black Stallion|Pahktar, the wookiee leader|Craszgip, a male wookiee|Bantha|Graaal|Spurkle|Goodwraith|Sintaril|Nynuph beetle|Stava|Cyber caniphant|Ewok|Barakel|Howlrunner|Nerf|Spemdi|Owriss|Woolamander|Manthu|Pazza, a baby wookiee|Hulzgip, a girl wookiee|Bilmn|Bragd|Caluset|AT-AV|Baby|Mama|Klame|Lumpka|Garesu|Turnis|Taffy, the sticky pittin|Winkie, the non-sexual pittin|Fluffy, the fuzzball pittin|Pittin|Kvlari|Rawbacca|Fulzipa|Mylucl|Ecri|Jabba's pet Rancor|Bilmn|Bragd|Evil Vornskr|Ugly Fur Trader|Kashyyyk Rancor|Peggles|An Ewok|Wampa|Wookiee|Tauntaun|Master Bat|Chraata|Rankis|Titon}

The third part are the triggers, there are three.  The "You killed..." trigger simply checks for the @huntables list and automatically sends the sk alias.  Second is a trigger that works with the sk alias, sk will look at the pelt after you skin it, the trigger will check to see if its worth more then 1200 credits (I use 1200 because the furriers will give you a little more then shop price for the pelt) if it is, it will tag the pelt and put it in your bag,  if it's less then 1200 credits it will NOT tag the pelt and put it in your bag so you can just sell that to the shop later.  (You don't want  to waste the furriers money since they can only buy 25 pelts per reset)  The final trigger just checks to see if there was no skinnable corpse and turns off the pelttag class.  I like to use a lot of classes on my zmud setup.  This will help keep game running fast.  If you have a lot of classes active it will slow down Zmud a lot.  

#TRIGGER {You killed {@huntables}.} {sk} {hunt} 517
#TRIGGER {(%d) credits in a shop.} {#if (%1>1200) {tag pelt};put pelt in bag;#T- pelttag} {pelttag} 517
#TRIGGER {There is no skinnable corpse here.} {#T- pelttag} {pelttag} 517

The three classes I used are mortal, hunt and pelttagpelttag is turned on and off by the aliases.  I use mortal for all the commands any mortal character would use.  If you happen to have a jedi you don't want sk to do anything.  And with the hunt class you can "turn off" the automatic skinning trigger if you needed to (maybe you have a supreme hunter following you around and skinning your corpses so you can make more money or something).