Calir objects guide

This guide will give you hints on which weapons, armour and other objects are noteworthy.


Jynn-field device: Carried by Carran on Calir Space docks.
STATS:  Type: shield - Ac: 2 - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?

Caldean body glove: dummy class armour armour piece with unknown capabilities. This is not a requirement for the Caldean armour set. Carried by Sarshin Dae.
STATS:  Type: ? - Wc/Ac: ? - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?

Caldean set: minimum set is armour, boots, gloves, helmet. The other 3 pieces are optional, but advised.

Minimum set AC:

note: this set has no ring, and only the belt doesn't use a power pack.

  • armour: Located on Nochreilann warrior priests. STATS:  Type: armour - Ac: 4 - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?
  • belt: Carried by Nej'Gek. Become invisible. There are many things you will not be able to do while cloaked. Most emotes will not work. A few room exits will not work. You cannot fight while cloaked. Requirements: minimum set, enhanced armour main. STATS:  Type: cloak - Ac: 1 - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?
  • boots: Located on Nochreilann warrior priests. STATS:  Type: boots - Ac: 1 (ac2 when enhanced) - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?
  • displacer: Located on Krak'Dulen (piece is highly restricted, Krak'Dulen might not have it). STATS:  Type: shield - Ac: 2 (ac3 when activate) - Weight: ? (lighter when activate)  - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?
  • gloves: Located on Nochreilann warrior priests. STATS:  Type: gloves - Ac: 1 (ac2 when enhanced) - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?
  • helmet: Located on Nochreilann warrior priests. STATS:  Type: helmet - Ac: 1(ac2 when worn with set armour)  - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?
  • laser - Located on Hran'Sibah. STATS:  Type: computer - Ac: 1 - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?

Additional command with the Caldean set:

  • <un>light lamp: turn a light on or off. Requirements: enhanced gloves.
  • autosenses <on/off>: turn the sensor suite on or off. There are a few aspects to the sensor suite. You will be able to detect movement in adjoining rooms. This also serves as a 'night vision' mode, in which you will be able to see, even in extremely dark rooms. Requirements: minimum set, enhanced helmet.
  • ls <argument>: get information about all objects in the room. You will see an assortment of info: inanimate or alive, short description, and hp if living. If the optional argument is given, you get more in depth info about that object. Requirements: minimum set, enhanced helmet.
  • mv <direction>. See into the next room, and get a general ls of that room. Requirements: minimum set, enhanced helmet.
  • recorder <list/on/off/replay <file>/remove <file> >: an electronic journal of sorts. When turned on, it will record all things said in the room. This does not include comm messages or tells. It will store the info in a file bearing your name. Requirements: minimum set, enhanced helmet
  • engage laser <N>: special attack. Engage the laser with <N> units of power. If you use too much power, the laser will burnout. It will repair itself, but it takes about 30 minutes to do so. Requirements: enhanced laser, helmet.
  • emit <target>: special attack. Shoot radiation at the target. If no target is specified, it will shoot what you are currently fighting. This will also happen automatically when fighting and radiation cells are over 50% full. The auto emit appears to do slightly more damage. Requirements: enhanced displacer glove, radiation cells at least 25% full. Radiation cells fill at 50% of power used by the glove.
  • convert <x>: convert radiation into power usable by the displacer glove, where <x> is the number of rads to convert. Conversion is on a 1 to 1 ratio. Requirements: enhanced displacer glove, at least <x> rads in radiation cells.
  • charge <item>: convert radiation into power, charging an item like a power tap. Requirements: enhanced displacer glove, radiation cells above 0%.
  • <un>slip <weapon>: store or retrieve a light weapon from a special compartment. When <weapon> is not supplied, it will default to the slipped/wielded weapon. Unslipping a weapon will auto-wield that weapon. Requirements: boots, weapon must be knife shaped. Known weapons are knife, dagger, blade, shiv, or dirk.
  • <un>sling <weapon>: store a heavy weapon on a sling. If <weapon> is not supplied, it will default to the slung/wielded weapon. Unslung weapons will be auto-wielded. Requirements: belt. Weapon must not be light or very light.
  • draw/holster <weapon>: store a light weapon in a holster. If <weapon> is not supplied, it will default to holstered/wielded weapon. Drawn weapons will be auto-wielded. Requirements: belt. Weapon must be light or very light.
  • put/get <item> in/from belt: store light objects in one of three small slots. Requirements: belt. Item must be light or very light

Enhanced means that you have inserted a small grey power pack. All enhanced pieces use power, can recharge with power taps or displacer glove where available.



Force Cube: This a helpful item, but does no harm to an opponent. You may 'store' up to 150 Force points into it. When you 'utilize cube' you get back about 90hp, 60fp, or something like 80hp 70fp. It seems that efficiency is skill dependent. The Force cube is carried by a Jedi trader in the Calir Space docks.

Power pack: to operate the Caldean armour set, you will need power packs. Here's where you can find them:

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